November 28, 2018

Thats good that your working my dad, working hard for the fam and helping us out with much love for every single one of us.  I love you dad.  This week I was thinking as I was looking in the miror I asked myself If I have really changed that much in these last 14 months and I can truly say that I have dad.  Its such a blessing to see how much I have changed and how much more i will change these next 9 months of my life.  But dude thanks for everything that you guys have given me.  A wonderful life here on earth and a beautiful family.  When I find someone to start a family with  I want to have the same attributes in my house with my wife and my kids.  I want to have those attributes you have dad, because I know you have always tried to follow Christ and that is enough for me to realize where I want to go and who I want to become and I want to be like My Heavnly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and My Dad!!!  I love you dude Im so happy in my life right now.  I now this is the most important thing I can be doing in my life and I thank God everyday for this blessing to serve his childern. If I can tell you acouple thing I have changed a lot in my life during these 14 months is my perspective about the Atonemente of Christ, Repentence, and Being a true disciple of Christ through being Selfless.  Im so greatful that I have changed and put more thought into these things because thes ethings were my weakeness but now I can say that they make me stronger and stronger everyday.  We are hoping to have acouple baptisms this month so we will see but I have the faith that we can do it!!  Hows the family doing?  How is the sports?  I cant beleive taht Liberty will be playing de Le Salle ofr the chamiponship taht is crazy dude.  Why are they so good this year?  Who do tehy have on the team?  I love you dude be safe at work and Ill talk to you this next week.  I LOVE YOU GUYS !"!!!

Elder Gray


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