July 4, 2018

his last week we have been really focusing on the progression of our investigators that are planning to be baptized for this next month.  We had some really spiritual lessons, lessons that helped us feel the truthfulness of the Gospel once again.  We one lesson we had was with one little girl named Melany.  The very first question we asked her was if she remembered what we taught her the lesson before about the restoration of the gospel and she told us no, and didnt remember a thing we taught her.  So we decided to show her the video of the restoration.  During the video I could feel the confirmation of the spirit testifing to my companion, Melany and I that Jospeh Smith was a true prophet of God.  That he restored the church of God on the earth again under the direction and power of God.  Something that I learned this week is that what people want to hear is the truth, what people want to feel is the Love of our Savior Jesus Christ.  They want to feel Loved here on earth.  God didnt send us to come to earth and to live here and feel sad, discouraged, we are here to feel happy, and the love here on earth.  We are all Gods children, but only a few of gods children are choosen to hear and accept the gospel and be baptized here on earth.  But every one has the opportunity to listen to the truth and to accept or not accept the fulness of the gospel.  Talk with everyone about the true church, be an good example, lift our brothers and sisters that have fallen with the words of truthfulness, it is our job to be the the hands of Our Savior here on earth, we need to be ready at all times to share His gospel, Always always grow you own testimonies by doing the little things right everyday.  

I love you all so much, always remember that God loves you all and wants to bless you all, this is only more motivation to the right things each day....  Be safe this 4 of JULY  and light some huge fire works for me hahah LOVE YOU ALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Gray


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