March 6, 2019

Alrighty people sounds good, looks like the fam is doing great and everyone is happy and all is well.  

This week on the mission we found this lady named Cecilia and SHE IS PILAS!!  she is ready to be baptized and has a huge desire to do so but she only has like 2 of the the lessons.  Yesterday we read the book of mormon with her, 3 nephi 11 and it was super spiritual.  I love reading the chapter with the investigators becuase they can realate to Christ coming to the Americas so well.  Their blood is literally the Laminites that lived here in that time,  their kindred dead saw the Christ and were testimonies that Jesus really does live.  Elder Dustin and I have the faith that we can baptize 5 this month of March.  It going to be a great month for us in marach and for the entire zone.  Tomorrow we have are meeting with all of the leaders of the mission and we talk about the goals and what we can do better to have more success in the mission.  Elder Dustin and I made our selves a little soccer court in our house and it pretty sick.  I forgot my camera today but I will send a píc of it next week.  We were up late last night playing soccer till about 12 at night so yeah we are pretty dead right, more dead than usual.  All in all the misison is going swell we are super hyped for tis month of march and we will continue working hard to make these  goals a reality.  I know we can do it with hard work and sure faith in ourselves and in God and his son.  i hope that all is well with everyone in Cali.   I hope you all have  a fantastic week and receive many blessings from our father in heaven.  SHARE THIS BEAUTIFUL GOSPEL WITH EVERYONE!!!!!!

Elder Gray 


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