January 30, 2019 and pics

Mom it is such a blessing to have this opportunity to serve others through this new calling, its been pretty crazy, but a lot of fun!  Im actually with Elder Dustin from Farmington Utah and we came to Guatemala at the same time, so we were in the MtC and all of the stuff, so its gonna be a super fun 4 months with my good friend Elder Dustin.  But Being a zone Leader is stressful kinda because yesterday we had a mission council and it was literally like planning to go against Satan in War it was crazy!! So much information so many tactics with numbers and stats about the mission it was super interesting but it was also a lot of fun.  Elder Dustin and I have to come up with a what and how of how we will help out our zone find new people to teach and at the same time baptize.  We will be going to the temple on February 2 so the mission is stoked about that!!  Go Kaitlyn!! I hope they win league and that they kick some booty!  What position does she play?  Go Taylor, Olivia and Brett!!!  Send me pics and vids of them doing Gymnastics and playing basketball and all of the sporting events.  They are just little niƱos trying to release their wiggles... Nacho Voice  haha.  So who is this girl mom?  Do you have any pics or anything?  I don't know any girls in patterson thats the bummer haha  but yeah send me some pics of her or something.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OLIVIA!!!!  WOW!!  12 years old she is getting so old,  She going to be a beehive  that is so cool!  

Im doing very swell here in Guatemala especially in my new area El Pajon.  It super cold in the mornings, something I haven't had in the mission because all of my area have been pretty hot.  Im excited though, we have the support from the members and they are ready to teach and help us find more people that could have a sure chance of baptism.  we have been having mice and rat problems in our house.  Its kinda gross because we can hear them up in the ceiling walking around and its just gross but yesterday we caught one in a big trap but it got out... DANG IT!! BUMMER MAN !!!!  so yeah thats fun ha  But how you guys doing?  How is work, the callings, school?  I hope all is going very well and that you guys are studying Come, Follow me everyday so that we can learn more about the bible and the other side of Jesus´s Life when he was doing miracles in Jerusalem.  Its a fascinating way to understand a little more about the bible because sometimes we read a lot of the Book of  Mormon which is excellent but know we need to understand what happened on the other side of the World , where our Savior himself was born, and taught HIS Gospel.  What a blessing to have 2 testimonies that testify and teach of Christ. I know that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are true and teach us everything we need to know about our Savior who lives!!  HE LIVES AND LOVES US!!!  Remember this during this week and draw strength from Our Savior Jesus Christ.  Have a wonderful week with whatever you guys have going on and I love you all very much!!

Elder Gray 


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