November 21, 2018

WOW DAD!!! You guys had such a memorable Thanksgiving, thats brings such peace to my heart knowing that you all enjoyed your time with family.  I love you all so much and I miss you guys a lot but I only have 9 months left dude! Thats crazy!! We actually had interviews yesterday and to finish the interview he asked me if I know how much time I have left in the mission.  I told him that I don't now.  He then tells me that I have 9 months left in the mission and I didnt believe him at first until I started thinking about it a little more and its true I have little time left, my president of the mission told me the same thing!  But time doesn't matter, just working hard and forgetting everything else that doesn't have to do with the work.  Working hard until the last breath here on the mission as well in life.  Words from our beloved prophet.  Last night we also had "Taco Night" where we have 4 missionaries in the same house.  Last night was so cool we played uno and different card games which was fun.  Also Elder Lund made mashed potatoes and stove top that his mom sent him in his package for Christmas.  It was LITTTT!!!!  We also just talked about stuff in the mish and other things as a district and what not, it was a night that was very relaxing to me and to all of the elders that were with me yesterday night.  But the work is going great here in Santa Marta.  We might not have baptisms this month but we will for sure have baptisms in December.  All I want for Christmas is BAPTISMS and showing pure LOVE to our fellow BROTHERS and SISTERS, they deserve to know the TRUTH!!  We are the ones that can bring THE WORLD HIS TRUTH!! As members of the true church, please share your love to one in need this christmas season, be unique, be different in how you all share the light of Christ, think of new and exciting ways to share the light of Christ this Christmas season.  I invite you all to receive your personal revelation and as families to share the gospel with others.  I love you all and remember to be happy and to carry light of Christ in your eyes and your faces letting others now exactly who they are... Children of God!!! I love you all and its going to be a great next couple of weeks!!! Be safe and have fun this Christmas season!!

Elder Gray 


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