October 17, 2019

Wow I love all of the pics that you guys sent me, That reminds me of my senior night for football, aww good times haha but seriously everyone is changing and i dont like that but its ok because I have changed a lot as well.  Happy Birthday TAY TAY TOT  and BRETT!!!! I wish you two a very happy birthday and that all of your wishes come true!!  I love you all so very much as well and it makes me happy to hear that you birthday was a blast and that Brett will also have a wonderful birthday!!!  Keep doing what you are all doing and God will bless you exceedingly until you are overflowed with blessings.  This last week was a great week, WE HAD TWO BAPTISMS!!!!!!!  Mario and Gaby were baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and it was a sweet experience to see them enter the waters of baptisms.  I have seen these two sons and daughters of God grow and flourish on the Gospel.  Yesterday we talked to them and we gave them a little challenge, the challenge is that they need to pass two pamphlets of the Restoration to two of their friends and they took the challenge with out any hesitation.  Mario said he was going to take his to work and share it will one of his friends.  Gaby said she will share it with a family member that is going through some hard times right now.  i love these two so much because they have been truly converted to the true church here on the earth, they have the desire to share the truth with others because they know its true, being recent converts to the church they know now the responsibility they have to share the Gospel with others.  They have little knowledge about the Gospel but will continue to grow as they share the Gospel, their testimonies will grow and become stronger every single day, even with the little knowledge that they have about the Gospel.  This is a huge example to me because as members of HIS Church we need to be ready and willing to preach HIS Gospel.  Bearing testimony to others about the restored Gospel on the earth will help us all know and remember why we are here on earth especially in these last days.  SHARE HIS GOSPEL, not only on Sunday because thats the sabbath, but we have 6 other days during the week to share it as well, Dont miss your opportunity to plant the seed of the Gospel in the heart of one of our Brothers and Sisters.  
Elder McConaghie and i have found a lot of good people that are ready and have been prepared to hear the Gospel, as a missionary that is the most beautiful thing to hear haha!!! God really does bless his servants but only if we give everything to him, 100% to HIm our King, our Savior, our Brother.. i love you all so much but I exhort you all to read the words of the prophet and his 12 apostles and the words that I have written this morning, I know are true.

Elder Gray    


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