February 5, 2018

Dude Yes!!! Im so glad the Pats lost.  Sounds like it was a really good super bowl.  I was really surprised to hear those teams in the AFC and NFC champs, Eagles, Pats, Jaguars, and Vikings.  I heard the Jags lost to the Pats by 2 points!!! that would have cool to see them in the super bowl. 

Sounds like the Kids and you guys are staying busy with sports and with activities.  How is work for you and mom?  Kaitlyn emailed me and said she is doing awesome in Bonsu and track starts this week for her so thats really exciting.  Send pics and stuff of her running.  And brett to playing football, and Olivia being Olivia and Taylor running track to.  I miss you guys a lot but I feel so comfortable here in Guatemala.  The language, talking to people, the food, my comp Elder Ramos,  Im just so happy to be here to truly help this people here come unto Christ through the message of the Restoration, The Plan of Salvation, and The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I love helping these people and just having fun teaching these people, preparing what we are going to teach is super fun to me because its a process of prayer, faith, and true obedience to the rules of the mission and obeying the laws of God.  Blessed to be here for 2 years and through hard work and dedication My family and I and all my friends can see those blessings in their lives.

This week we had a really good lesson with one of our investigators named Danny Mendoza.  He has had a really hard past, hes done some hard drugs, was leader of a gang, and was smoking and drinking a lot when we started teaching him.  Its really sad to see these people with all these problems, it makes my problems seem so small and I realize that people have way worse problems than I do.  But yesterday we invited one of my recent converts to help us talk to Danny.  They both had the same problems in there past so I truly felt that his testimony would help Danny that they were in the same situations but I think at the end of the lesson Danny finally realized that he can change his life through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Before this last lesson with Danny all of our lessons have been about Repentance and starting this process of Repentance, but I dont think he truly understood until yesterday.  Im truly grateful for the death of our Savior Jesus Christ, for all the pains and afflictions and terrible times that we have in this life.  The Atonement is actually really interesting once we break it down step by step we actually truly appreciate it more and use it in our lives.  This is our motivation to always do what is right because someone literally died for us, each individual person here in the earth.  And it wasnt just a man but our Savior Jesus Christ, a person that lived a sinless life just so that we could be happy here on earth.  I love this Gospel and it is truly changing me especially through helping others realize the same feelings that I have about this true church and this Gospel.  Always remember that this life is only for a small amount of time in the timeline of the Plan that Jesus Christ and Our Father have for us.  This life is hard and isnt always the best at times, but at the end of this journey we have the opportunity to live with our families and with our Savior and Father forever.  I love you all so much and remember that everyone here on earth is our Brothers and Sisters, everyone deserves a chance to be happy in life and after this life through the Plan of Salvation.

Love Elder Gray


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