September 19, 2018 Trainer

Wow!!! I cant believe how much you all have changed its going to be so weird seeing you guys again but Im taking the last year to the max and working even harder for the people.  My Love has grown for these people here in Guatemala.  When I hit my year in the mission I actually felt pretty sad because these people are so special, I love them so much and want the best for them just as our father in heaven does.  I know that this last year will be sooo awesome!!! Im so pumped especially for this next 3 months because IM A TRAINER!!!!  My new comp and my son in the mission is  named Elder McConaghie.  He is from Arizona and my first gringo companion in the mission haha.  So yeah I know we will do great things together.  God has trusted me to train and help my companion to be the best that he can be, and be a better missionary that I will ever be.  Im super excited and Love this work, this is the work of our father in heaven and I truly believe in the power of the priesthood and that it is real.  Every worthy son of God needs to hold the priesthood to bless the lives of our brothers and sisters in the moments that might come so fast.  Yesterday we had a moment to use our priesthood to  bless the life of one man that was literally dying in front of us.  As we were walking in the street to our next visit a red car passed us and a man rolled down his window and asked if we have consecrated oil, we told him yes.  So we walked into his house and found his father trying to breath and was loosing his life right in front of us.  We gave him one of the most spiritual blessings that I have heared on my mission.  People might say its a coincidence that we passed by the house at the same time when he pulled up in his car and asked my comp and I if we could give a blessing.  It was a super cool experience with my new comp and I imagen it was an experience unforgettable for my new comp, especially on his first day in the mission field.  Tbh Yesterday felt like das avo because i was thinking a lot about when I was in my training with my dad Elder Juarez  and my first day in the mish and I couldnt say anything in spanish and it was super hard.  In this aspect its going to be hard because this first change with my new comp I will probably be talking a lot more, but he s been doing really good with his Spanish and can understand a lot of stuff, just a lot of patience and love and we will be ok!! 

I love seeing pics of you guys and seeing the change in all of you, its super sad but it also makes me super happy to see your faces.  You guys are so amazing and I love you guys so much!!  Keep on working hard in school and in work and God will continue to bless you guys  each day.  Keep doing the little things right by reading your scriptures, saying your prayers and going to church.  I love you guys and pray for you guys each day.  I can feel the love from you guys each day, that is my motivation to keep on working hard.  Have aq good week and be safe!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

Elder Gray 


  1. Hay Derick! This is Josh! how is it going?! I am playing football this year and it is really fun.
    sorry i can't send pictures, because i don't know how. I hope you are having fun cause i'm not, i am
    in school all day, it sucks. I am in fifth grade! next year i go to intermediate school. Guess what, i
    got to go to a NFL football game (it was Broncos at the Chargers, but the Broncos lost, I was so mad. we also went to a MLB baseball game. It was Rockies at Padres. The Rockies won of course!) It was so fun! I almost got Nolan arenodo's autograph! I was so mad, I barely misted him. I got to go. Love you!

    (p.s, the Oakland Raiders are moving to Los veges in 2020, so me and my dad are hoping to go to
    a game once a season.)


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