July 18, 2018

Well I will get right into it... We will be baptizing 2 daughter sof God this week Named Natalie and Meleny.  They are super pilas and love to learn about the gospel.  We have been teaching them for about 2 weeks and have recieved their answeres that this is the true church of God.  Last night we had a really good lesson with one family.  We planned just to start the lessons with one person in this family until everyone started arguing and fighting and a few started to cry.  So we had to change our plans on the spot and talk about the fanily and the importance of the family.  It was a super sppiritual lesson.  Everyone in the room felt so calm and the spirit of contention left the room.  We talked about the ipmortance of familys and taht we have the opportunity to live with them forever.  Satan has one purpose that is to destroy the family.  Im so blessed to have this gospel in my life and to be a missionary and a representative of the true Chruch of God.  I know that we all have the opportunity to live with God again and His Son Jesus Christ.  I bless that you all take moments during each day to think about your familys and how this Gospel has blessed you and your familys.  I love you all so much.  Please be safe this week and enjoy the summer vacations and the beaches for me haha.

Well thats good kailtyn broke up with her boyfriend, i feel a lot calmer haha.  

Love you guys Corazonsito

Elder Gray  


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