August 23, 2018

Being District leader at first was a little hard but now its awesome I love it because we get to help each other complete our goals together and work as a team.  i feel like the captain but not saying this in a way that is prideful I feel like I have the responsibility to help motivate my district to be the best that they can be.  I love being District Leader.  This last week we had divisions with Brigada because they need to have 2 baptismal interviews, my first 2 being district leader.  It was such an amazing experience to have done the interviews for Cecilia and Oscar.  In my patriarcal blessing it says that I will have the opportunity to be able to judge my brothers ans sisters if they can live with God.  I was meditating this a lot this week and I think that part of Judging is here in this world, specifically right now as district leader because if they cant be baptized in the true church they cant enter into the kingdom of God.  I know that I need to be here in this position to help judge my brothers and sisters as if God and Jesus Christ were  right by my side.  I love to think of it that why because I feel inspired by the Holy Ghost to ask questions that are necessary for my brothers and sisters to enter the waters of baptism.  Im so happy here in the mission and I feel like Im changing so much, I have goals in my life that I never would have thought  of before the mission and I just feel so much happier.  Nothing can compare with the gospel of Christ.  This is his church and its our responsibility as the army of helamen to leave our homes and preach His Gospel.  We are planing a baptism for this Sunday so Elder Gomez and I are super excited for that.  But everthing else has been super chill super normal.  But you guys arents going to recognize me after the mission.  ANd June Yang  the girlfriend of Niko Gelalitin his dad is Tao , will be married on the 30 of Aug.  So that is super cool.  Right now Niko is in the marines so he working over there right now.  Love you guys so much.  Hope all is well over there and continue to have fun and always have a smile, that lets others now that the Gospel is true and his alive.

Elder Gray  


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