November 13, 2018 and pics

Hey mom everything is going great my son in the misison elder McConaghie is workinghard and is improving his spanish so much!! I feel like I will be changed into a different area but I want another change so that I can be with my son for Christmas and New years but I have a feeling that I will be changed in 3 weeks but we will see what happens.  But yesterday we went to the temple with an investigator and he loved it.. he will be baptized this next Saturday so I will send you guys a bunch of pics and stuff. He s agood guy super funny and loves to talk so are lessons with him are like and hour or more because of how much he likes to talk hahaha but hes a really good guy.  The mission is going by too fast mom it really is sad to me because I love this people, they are so kind and all they want is what we have mom and that is the truth.  We are messengers of the truth mom we are Christs Solders in these last days to preach the truth to his children,  I love this work and the love I feel here from my companions, the people, and my Savior.  I know that My Savior lives an dthat he loves every single one of us.  He will help us if we try and follow his commandments and try and follow is example. I know that He Lives and I love him, I want to be like him.  I know that through the scriptures we can get to know god and his son, we can read the stories of God and Jesus ministry here on the earth.  i love you guys and I love the pics be safe during this holiday season and I love you all!!!!!

Elder Gray 


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