January 24, 2019

m thinking its better if I start January 6th and then I will be working during the winter.  It probably the smartest choice right now and so I can spend time with the fam a little and all that fun stuff.  College will be super fun im super excited to study something cool and make my own money and live my life, but I know these next changes will go by super fast especially being a Zone leader.  I will be a little stressed out because of the new calling but it will also be super fun!!  Im actually comps with an Elder from my group that I came in with, Elder Dustin.  He super cool, we are going to have so much fun together and work super hard.  He told me that we will have a baptize  this Saturday and I havent baptized for like 4 months so im super excited!!  I cant wait to get started here in El Pajon, Don justo.  This area is super big and there are so many hills and mountains and stuff like that so I will keep getting smaller and smaller in size haha.  Everyone that has known me on the mish is like dang elder Gray you have gotten skinnier so i will be coming back super different hahaha.  Im ready for this next step in the mission and in life.  I cant wait to see what God has in plan for our family, lets just keep trying to do everything right and we will receive every blessing from our father that lives in heaven.  I love you guys so much and I hope the best for every single one of you!!!!

Elder Gray 


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