January 16, 2019

Aww mom I love you so much!!  Thats so cool that third out of all of those people, im really happy for you!  Are still working out in the mornings?  When does the soccer season end for Kaitlyn?  Thats so fun to see how active the kids are in sports, makes me think about how much fun I had playing sports and watching my siblings play as well.... good times mom.  Why didnt you talk to him like Nacho Libre? haha that probably would have made him laugh mom!!  Its ok next time mom.  Thats so fun your in the Nursery with all the little kids.. Are you watching little babies to?  It makes me so mad sometimes that I cant hold little babies, because mom you know me I LOVE THEM!!!  Keep up the good work mom and keep being the best mom ever and I know that God will bless you for your efforts.  Thanks for everything that you have done for me up to this point in my life.  Im so privileged to have a family like you guys.  I thank God everyday for you guys and pray for your well being and for your safety.  I love you guys so much and hope that you can receive all of those blessings from our father in heaven.  Keep trying to follow the commandments and study "Come, Follow me",  en español "Ven, Sígueme"  Why does dad not like the new scout master?  I mean obviously its hard to be the best scout master like dad was but whats up with this other guy?  

The mission is going well, we have changes coming up this next Sunday so we will see if I go to another area or if I stay another change... I fee like im going but we will se what God has in store.  I already have 6 months in Santa Marta and thats a lot of time, my kid in the mish Elder McConaghie will probably be leading Santa Marta and I go.  Its going to be hard because the members here are super supportive and really nice people.  This area out of the 3 I had was defiantly the best with the members.  I have learned a lot here in this area and from my comps.  I hoping that I can apply these things to my life and keep changing more and more everyday.  These last 3 changes we almost had a couple of baptisms but they fell through but I know with a little more time and patience they will enter the waters of baptism.  Whoever those elders are that come to this area in the middle of this year will have a bunch of people to teach, invite, and baptize.... I love the mission and being a missionary of the true church on the earth.  I know that there are souls waiting to hear the truth but dont know where to find.  Take advantage to teach a little bit of the truth when you are at work or when you are walking in the street, follow the promptings of the spirit, it will guide you and help you find those people waiting to hear your testimony.  Minister to those in need, teach like he did, he taught as he walked, he looked for people in need.  We are the chosen children of God  that need to teach the Gospel because if we dont..... who will?  I love you all so very much, pray for you all and hope all is well!  Till next week...

Elder Gray         


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