February 6, 2019

Thanks so much dad for reminding me of who I was before the mission.  Sometimes we change so much in the mission that we start to forget who we were before.  That is a good thing but also a bad thing man.  I have changed so much on the mission Dad its honestly kinda scary but at the same time i also want to remember a little bit of who I wa before the mission.  I truly am grateful for reminding me about when I was a little kid and how I was such a little pill.  It makes me look in the miror  and just think wow  Im different, im changed.  Im so happy for the opportunity to serve God and help him with the growth of Zion here upon the earth.  Im willing to stand a long side my fellow missionaries here in Guatemala in the army of God to battle against satan everyday.  I have truly become to understand my purpose as a son of God and as a missionary, to love HIS children and help these families in Guatemala become an eternal family through the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know that God loves each and everyone of us no matter what sins we have committed we have his promise to feel his love and this love that he shows to us will motivate us to become better children of God.   God and Jesus Christ are real people they truly leave and I give my honest and humble testimony that live and love us!!!  

I cant believe that the pats won again man!  It just a huge  defensive game i guess?  Is Tom Brady going to retire or is he going to keep playing?  I  think it's time for Brady to take a sit on his couch with his fam haha.  But thats to bad that they had to win again.  what are the Broncos looking like this year?  what do they need this year in the draft?

Wow i hope that Kaitlyn does great in her game this week and that they win!!!  Go Kaitlyn!!  Im her number one fan!!   
Taylor and Brett are dropping threes like nobody's business  I bet.  Tell them to  keep playing hard and to play to the best to their potential.  Tell them to practice before the games so that they get their shot down like Steph Curry.  Hey how the Warriors looking this year?

Thanks dad for your blessing that you gave me as a father, it makes me feel so good and loved knowing that I have a loving heavenly father  and a loving earthly father... I wouldn't need anything more in this world, just the love is what makes the difference nand changes lives.  I love you all and you all are always in my prayers!

Elder Gray   


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