December 4, 2018 and pics

Awwee mom its ok but I love you girl dont worry about a thang girl haha.  I miss joking around with you guys and laughing with you all but the time is winding down and will be home less than 9 months, but I thank my father in heaven for the opportunity to be here in Guatemala teaching the truth to his Children.  I love these people in Guatemala so much its going to be a sad day when its time to go but I will keep working hard to help bring more almas come unto Christ and to the true church.  I know that My savior Jesus Christ LIVES!!! He lives and I know it!!! I dont need to see him to testify of him, all I need is the spirit with me to take this message to the hearts of His Children.  The spirit has testified to me that many times that he lives, I have felt the manifestations of the spirit in my heart, he his with me, I know him because of the scriptures that testify of him.  He is my Savior I love him and he loves me.  He loves all of us.  If i can give you a little bit of advice it is to testify to the people that God lives and loves everyone. Brighten somones day with thes few words of love and encouragement.  I love you all and I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas season and a Happy New Year!!  I cant wait to talk to you guys in like two weeks... Its going to be a party my friends!!  I love you all so much, you guys dont know how much I miss you guys. 

This last week was pretty normal but the last 2 weeks we had we sang christmas songs outside to the poeple that were walking around and we are having a lot of Family home evenings wih members, less actives, and investigators.  The Christmas season is in the air and I LOVE IT!!!  I wish you all the best this next week and all the blessings in the world tou you guys!!!

Elder Gray


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