September 26, 2019

This email makes me so happy hearing about your fun week and soccer and volleyball games and just enjoying life.  Im so glad that you all are receiving those blessings from our father in heaven because you are doing the little things right, I pray everyday that you all read your scriptures,  say your prayers, and go to church because these are the things that will always help us grow our faith in Christ and help us repent of our sins so that we can always be happy and enjoy this wonderful life.  This week we visited a family that is a little in active and they are in a hard part right now in their lives.  They lost their light to the house, they dont have money to buy food and Fernando lost his job.  Last Wednesday we gave them a bag of food so that they can continue enjoying life and keep this hope firm in Christ and in the Church.  It is super sad to see a family suffer the way they are suffering right now.  But I have never seen a family so strong before, they know they dont have money but they are willing to do whatever to make money so that they can feed first their 2 kids, Angel and Hilary.  Im so very grateful for  everything that I have in my life.  I love you guys, my family. It honestly made me so happy listening to how your week was and it made me super to hear that everything is ok and that you all are enjoying life.  This week we are planning for a wedding for mario and Gaby, its the family that I sent to mom.  They will probably be baptized this next week so we are super happy for them.  My new comp is awesome Im learning a lot from him and hes learning alot from me.  We are like the perfect team.  We have a had a lot of success this last week and we will continue to progress and find these people in our area to teach them the Gospel of our savior Jesus Christ.  I love you all so much and all I ask is if you can pray for the family Valencia, the family that doesn't have anything at this point in their lives,  our prayers can help them receive those necessary blessings to help build them stay spiritually fortified.  I love you all and I want to hear from more people back at home!!!! be safe and have a great week!!  #BRINGTHEWORLDHISTRUTH  #LIGHTTHEWORLD

Elder Gray 


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