September 20, 2018 Trainer letter from mission president

Dear Gray Family,

 We are pleased to inform you that your son, Elder Gray, has been called to serve as trainer to Elder McConaghie here in the Guatemala City South Mission. We are confident that your son will excel in fulfilling the duties of this important calling.

In this mission, we assign our best missionaries as trainers. This calling is the highest honor and most sacred responsibility. We depend on our trainers to teach new missionaries total obedience to the commandments and the mission rules, diligence, and enthusiasm for the work. Your son has displayed these and many other fine qualities which qualify him for this sacred trust to help set the stage for the rest of this new missionary's mission.

Your son will find this new calling as trainer to be challenging but very rewarding. We know he is up to the challenge. As he trains with dedication, he will be assisting in the rolling forth of the Lord's great latter-day work.

Thank you for sharing your fine son with us. We appreciate his willingness to serve the Lord in Guatemala.

With warm regards,

President and Sister Shumway

Guatemala City South Mission


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