September 12, 2018

I love you guys so much you guys are my motivation everyday and part of the reason why I wanted to serve a mission.  I also wanted to serve a mission because I know that God loves me and loves every single one of us. I wanted to serve and give 100% to His son Jesus Christ knowing that he gave us everything he had so that we can have an Eternal Family and have a way to go back to his presence.  I'm so happy to be here and to serve these people here in Guatemala.  When I first received my mission call I remember feeling happy but nervous because the new language and a whole new world practicly but If I have learned something during this first year is putting true faith in the Lord and realizing taht I cant do a lot of things by myslef I need help from God and His Son.  I need them to be happy to feel peace in this life and to help be through those difficult times in my life.  I have learned rto be more humble so that I can listen to the spirit and understand what he wants me to do and who he wants me to be.  We are all powerful beyond measure if we put all of our faith in God and if we are humble in heart.  Every lesson we have had I have learned to open the heavens though our prayers with our investigators.  We received a lot of information and council from one the lords servants this last week Elder Uceda, part of the presidency of the Quorem of the 70.  I received so much personal revelation and different ways we are helping the church grow here in Guatemala.  Im super excited to be working here in Guatemala and taking advantage of this last year so that I can receive those blessing that we need has a family and for myself, the last reason why I wanted to serve a mission.  I wanted to change who I was and God has helped me see who I truly am.  I know that the book of mormon is true and that the book of mormon isn't just anotehr book it the evidence that Jesus Lives and the evidence of the Gospel is restored here on the earth again.  I apreciate you all for your prayers and for your love that you all have sent me.  Please be safe and have a  marvelous week!!  

Elder Gray  


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