July 24, 2018

I love you mom so much I listened to your songs right now and almost cried because of listening to your voice again.  I love you so much mother, you are one of the most important people in my life because you never gave up on me when it was hard.  You were always by my side ever step of the way.  I can say with an honest heart that I will not have another woman in my life more important than you.  You are very special to me and I dont think you truly know how much I love you and want to see you succeed in your jobs and in your life.  If you have taught me one thing that is to be fearless and just do it, dont worry about what others will think of me because I am me and I will never change who I am.  I love you so much and Just wanted to give a little shout out to the best mother in the world.  Keep writing awesome songs please I love to hear your voice.

Well this week was very interesting first, well I dont have any other words to say it but we got assulted this week by two dudes on a motorcylce with a knife so that was pretty intersting, they stole our phone and 5Q  but luckly we didnt get hurt and they didnt eaither.  ( almost went Karate Kid on them,  momma almost got in my first fight)  So yeah that was cool.  So we dont have our phone so every night we have to call from a pay phone thats close by our house which is super lame but its what we gotta do.  Our pd this last week was literally the most boring pd in the histroy of pds and im not exagerating anything.  We sat out side our house with 2 other missonaries and we threw rocks at some poop that was outside our house while my comp played the song from titanic on his hyrmonica hahaha it was super FUNNNNNN!!!!  But to end the week of we had two baptisms which was really cool.  Natalie and Melony were baptized and the service was so beautiful.  I could feel the spirit so strong in that room adn I know everyone else could to.  Well everyone please be safe doont get robbed this week and remember that God is always next to us and ready to protect us from dangers.  Love you all and have a great week!!!!

Love Elder Gray  


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