August 6, 2018

Ahhhhhhh you guys im super happy you guys had fun camping, floating down rivers, and jumping off cliffs.  You all know that im super jeouls of you guys right now becuase I love doing all of those things sad face emoji hahaha.  Sounds like this less active has the best visting teacher ever!  Keep showing your love to here and she will realize that by you following christ she to can be happy like you are becuase you are doing all of small things right.  Keep being a good example to her.  Dad you are a freackin beast!!!!!  you are huge dude your arms are massive and your abs are coming back.. keep working it dude you look really good and really happy.  Kaitlyn as well I didnt even recongnize you at first becuase you haave change a lot, have you been working out, or just working at the pool?  Keep working hard girl I love you.  Well Taylor Olivia and Brett are as cute as can be as always i love seeing their smiles becuase its makes me smile and want to cry but its ok... I will be strong!!  I had changes this week i am now in the Cap in a place called Florida Santa marta.  Its so much different than outside the cap but I will get use to it pretty quick.  Im also the new District Leader here in Santa Marta which is super cool Im super excited and ready to learn so much this change from my district as well more about myself personally.  I have a new comp as well his name is Elder Gomez.  He is from Shela, Guatemala.  So this mish is about 4 hours away from where he lives which is cool becuase I can learn more about the words people use here in Guatemala.  but Overall im super ecxited I feel good.  I did get sick really bad about 5 days ago, throwing up, poopoo at the same time, yes I was double dragoning it hahaha and a super high fever so that was fun.  Lucly i had an awesome comp and members in my old area that helped me out during that time but now its just work work work work!!!!!   I forgot my camera at the house so i will send pics next week Love you guys be safe this week and have fun at school.  

Elder Gray 


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