June 27, 2018

 We as well went to a place called Pinuldulce and they have waterfalls and an area with a ton of grass, volleyball net so we played some volleyball and we rode some sheap as well haha.  Elder Clarke whoe died this last change and I rode on some sheap and butted heads with some sheap as well and all of the lations were saying los gringos son locos!!! hahaha but it was super fun, memories like those I will never forget.  We had changes yesterday and Im staying yet again in the same area so at the end of these 6 weeks I will have 6 months here in Por Venir CRAZY!!!!  But I recieved my new companion Elder Barzi from Chile.  He his 26 years old but is really cool I feel like I can learn a lot from him and im ready to learn more about everything, the language, ways I can improve my teaching, how I can follow the rules more closely but also have a fun time in the mission.  I feel like this change we are going to be baptizing a lot, today we are a putting a goal of 5 baptisms for this next month.  Before we started to plan Elder Brazi asked if we can pray first so we prayed and after we talked about what we feel we need to put as our gaols.  Every goal that we set was through the spirit, we talked about every step every person that correspondes  with each of our goals.  I can truly feel that we will be baptizing and saving precious souls this next month of July.  

WOW you guys have been busy having fun on your summer adventures!!  We need to go to this same lake dad after the mission with the fam.  Keep working hard with your group of scouts even if they dont want to do merit badges and stuff like that, the memories that you are helping them make will be huge stepping blocks to learn new things and they will remember these memories forever.  Hows the lifting going dude?  Elder Brazi loves tyo workout at night so im going to be losing some weight haha.  I have been getting fatter dude which is suprising to me because before the mission I couldnt gain weight.  But how is mom and Kaitlyn, Taylor, Olivia, and Brett?  What else have they been doing during summer break?  Mom probably feels a lot more releved that girls camp is over.  How are you guys doing with your ministring at home?  Those familes that are close to you guys and the people you know talk to them a little about the church.  I feel that God is preparing something, his work is moving forward, we dont need just missionaries preaching the gospel we need EVERONE preaching the true word of God.  Look for opportunites to share your testimony about the Book of Mormon and the truthfulness of it.  

I love you all so much, I pray and think about you guys everyday.  Please continue reading your scriptures, saying prayers, going to church and having family home evenings.  Keep growing your testimonies everyday in the gospel.  LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOO MUCH please be safe. I pray that God will protect you and be with you.

Elder Gray


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