June 20, 2018

But this last Friday we had the baptism of Mary Schuite.  It was such a beutiful baptismal service.  We had 24 people attend her baptism and usually only have 8 so Mary could feel the friendship and the help of the ward.  It was really special, but the next day we passed by here house to tell her that she needs to be at church early on Sunday to be confirmed a member of the church and recieve the Spirit.  She told us with out even answering our question that being baptized in the church was the best decision she has ever made in her life.  She truly feels happy about the choice she made and will be such a working force and a light to the work here on earth in these last days.  Well we have changes this next week and my comp is probably leaving and President told me in my interview that i will probably recieve a junior companion so we will see what happens.  I dont think ill train yet because ionly 4 elders are coming into the mission this next change.  But we will see what the Lord wants me to do.  Today is a short letter because im super tired and i just want to sleep but something that I can tell you guys is to always put your faith in Jesus Christ.  When we do that we recieve hope and with hope every single thing in this life is possible and can be accomplished through Jesus Christ, faith, and hope.  Be willing to give your love to people in need, we need to be more like the savior each and everyday and one way to be more like him is love everyone.  His love was so pure and simple.  We dont need to do huge things to help people out we can do the little things like giving a smile to someone or saying hi.  The little things that we do in life will bring us the most joy and many blessings.  We need to be more like the savior and be his hands here on earth to help his work and his gospel spread to every part of this world.  Love you all so much, please be safe this week during summer vacations and remember to have a lot of fun for me!!!!!

Elder Gray


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