June 13, 2018

 I actually had some experiences like that in my first area and in this area as well.  In my old area, when I was with Elder Juarez, my first companion, we were teaching this man named Danny.  He had the same problems he loved to drink, smoke, and at one point was a leader of a gang, he had a lot of problems.  He also has a mother that is a member and she is 84 years old.  Danny would take care of her and was also working at the same time but after work is usually when he would drink and smoke.  He would come home drunk and intoxicated and would beat his 84 year old mother.  We taught all of the lesson whern I was with Elder Jaurez but he had changes and left for the capitol.  Elder Ramos then came to Guajitos and were companions only for 1 change but we still continued to visit Danny.  Everytime we were planning for the week I made sure that we visited Danny atleast 3 times a week, at this time I was teaching Elder Ramos the area and helping him get to know our investigators, every time we planned I felt like we needed to help Danny, he was always the first investigator that came to my mind.  We taught him more and more about the Gospel and was almost baptized that change with Elder Ramos and I but the bishop said that it wasent  a good idea to baptism him becuase the members of the church were afriad of Danny including the bishop.  That change I left and came to where I am now in Por Venir Jalapa.  About 3 weeks later in my new area I talked to Elder Ramos that stayed in Guajitos and told me that Danny was baptized and confirmed a member of The church.  I couldnt believe it, the joy I felt for him knowing all of the lessons and all of the time we put in to help him enter the waters of baptism was so worth it!!!  I cant explain in words how I felt in that moment knowing that Danny and his family can be together forever.  Here in Por Venir we taught this lady named sister Jannirda.  She has talked to the missionaries for about 5 years and her ex husband was a missionary as well but seperated about 2 years ago.  She took the lessons from the missionaries many times but just didnt feel right about the desicion of baptism.  When I came to this area Elder Sandino wasent teaching her but together we decided to teach her again.  We taught her the importance of baptism and how much happier she can be and all of the blessings she can recieve if she is baptised by someone who holds the proper authority of God.  2 weeks later she was baptised and confirmed a member of the church.  You are so right about the promptings of the holy ghost.  I love knowing that if we are worthy to have the spirit to be with us that all things are possible.  I know and testify without the spirit I would be able to preach HIS gospel in español or in any other language.  The spirit has a different language, a language that isnt english or spanish, but it is the language of LOVE from out father in Heaven.  I truly believe that we can recieve revelation every moment of everyday.  We need to recieve revelation in these last days to warn and protect us from the dangers that will come.  These last days Satan is attacking us with more power with only one purpose in mind and that is to put in our minds that were are not children of God.  If he succeeds with his plan we lose all hope, we lose our idenity as children of God, we lose the opportunity to help others learn more about Christ and they lose a chance to live with God and their families forever in happiness.  This Gospel is for every one of his children, every single person deserves a chance here on earth to be baptised and come unto him and behold our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.  

Dude im sorry that your all alone at the house right now but its ok you can talk to me haha.  But I hope the girls have a good time at girls camp and Brett and Olivia have fun with softball and baseball.  Love you all so so so much!!! think about yoou guys everyday and pray for your safty everyday.  Have fun and be safe during your summer vacations.  Love you all Enjoy your time during this summer and have lots of fun for me please!! LOVE YOU AGAIN HAHA

Elder Gray


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