July 11, 2018

One thing that I have talked a lot about with members and leaders is that the Young men and women are the future to this church but a lot are going in different directions and arent following good examples in their lives and arent following the path of God.   Its becuase they dont have their own testimony of the church, they think they do but the monent they are faced with adveristy they dont now what to say, how they can defend themeselves.  I read this week in the bible about the story of Moses and how he went to the mountain and saw God.  He saw God through eyes of an inmortal, someone that doesnt live on this earth.  After he saw God God left him and felt super tired, felt that he didnt have any energy to stand.  At this moment Satan came to him and tried to tempt a servent of the Lord, Satan told him that he isnt a child of God, he tried to destroy the testimony of Moses.  Moses with all of the energy of his body ssaid to Satan, "I am a Child of God."  This si literally the most important knowledge that we have here on this earth.  Our basic knowlegde is that we are Children of God, Satans primary target in these last days is to distract us and confuse us and put things in our minds and feelings in our hearts that we are not Children of God.  He trys to destroy our basic knowlegde, he trys to diminish our idenity as Children of God, he tells that we dont have a loving Heavenly Father, he distracts us using things of this world to destory our testimony and trys to make us forget what our savior has done for us.  He doesnt want us to repent and recieve love from God and His Son.  He doesnt want us to be happy here on earth, he wants us to mess up and do bad things so that we cannot return to live with Our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.  I testify as a servent of The Lord that that the plan of Salvation is true and that through this plan we can live together forever with our families and with God.  I know that this Gospel is true and that through this Gospel we can find true happiness in this earth.  There is only 2 things that truly matter in this world, Our Famlies and this Gospel.  When one family lives the Gospel they truly recieve  the blessings from Our Lord and Savior.  We can defend ourselves from the attacks of Satan and be the poeple and the children of God that God knows we can be.

Sounds like the family is all good in the HOODD!!!!  I love you all so much please be safe during this Summer Vacation.  MAke sure to send pics and videos so that it feels like im part of it toooo hahaha LOVE YOU ALLLLLL!!!!!!!

Elder Gray 


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