May 30, 2018

Wow man sounds like you guys had an awesome week!!  Good job to Brett and Olivia for making it to the Championship game im super proud of them.  Thats crazy Brett won the championship game twice in a row just like I did, I think that is really funny haha.  LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!! where you guys planning on going for summer break?  I was just think about high school yesterday and ill complete a year of being graduated from highschool this next week,  CRAZYYYY!!!  I cant believe how fast a year flys by now,  we are in the middle of the year already man where did May go??  How are you doing dude with working out?  Today Elder Sandino and I woke up at 5:30 to go to the gym with the bishops son which was really fun.  He is competing in heavy lifting so he showed us some of his workouts and I cant feel my legs now....... BUT THATS OKAY.  The campout sounded super fun dad, I miss camping out as a family and as a troop those were the good times.  How is Evan Hardy doing with his mission papers?  How is Joe Joe and Alison and the little girls doing?  How is the Bodrero family? Say hi to everyone for me please and tell them I love them.  I cant believe how fast the kids are growing up, time needs to slow down a little bit I hope work is going great and you have time to do those things you wanna do.  Hows mom with all her callings and with girls camp?  This week was pretty normal, we just went to work this week and found 2 new investigfators that are super cool.  Their names are Jasadi and Brisadi and they are progressing so much in the Gospel.  Their mother is super inactive as of 20 years but her children have a huge interest in the church which is really good so we are happy about that.  Elder Sandino and I are super happy for thsi next month because we are probably going to baptise a lot of our investigators.  Dennis is progressing a lot.  He told us that he is bored of smoking and wants to be better and have a better life.  His friend who also likes to smoke told us that he wants to change his life and together they promised us taht they will strive to resist the temptations to smoke.  We love their motivation to be better people and to be better children of God.

I hope you all have a wonderful week this and be safe as school comes to an end.  Be safe on those summer vacations, I love you all so much and God bless every single one of you with the Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Elder Gray


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