May 22, 2018

Hey mother hows it going? Talking to you guys was sooooo funnnn!!  I love being funny with you guys and doing the same old things that we use to do at home.  i hope all is well at home and thats awesome summer break is right around the corner, be safe and have fun where ever you guys go without me haha.  Tell brett to kick some bootie for me.  Did he like playing football? I love watching videos of my little me.  I dont know if you still have the video that we did for the homecoming court, if you do please send me it because Sis Sowards and Sis Larimer want to see it haha.  Tell Kaitlyn that she cant stop lifting if it still hurts her tell her to do super slow reps in our gym she needs to keep strengthening it because if she just stops lifting all that work she put in was for nothing so wipe her into shape have her go running with you to in the morning.  And Tay Tay how is my tay tay? is she running track still?  Tell her to keep working hard and keep running fast for me ok mommy ok I love you!!  Hope you all have a great week and be safe.  Love you all so much think about you guys everyday of the week be strong be safe do those little things like reading the scriptures, saying prayers, and going to church.  God will countinue to bless you guys if you all do the little things right and to the best of your abilities.  LOVE YOU GUYS DO DO DO MONKIES 

Elder Gray


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