May 2, 2018

Dude that story about Franco is super cool,  Why didnt you ever tell me experiences about your missiom?  That is one of the coolest stories I have heard.  Im going to think more about this dream and what it could me to me personally or those investigators we are teaching right now.  I love to hear that you are visting people with the missionaries,  I wish I visted people with the missionaries more,  Its super cool here in Guatemala because the youth want to be envolved with this work they want to visit people with us which I love.  Us Missionaries need to be on our toes and be great examples to these youth of the church.  I had my talk 2 weeks ago and I talked about the Spirit and the revelation.  Ive been trying really hard to understand how I can recieve revelation for me personally but also the people Elder Sandino and I serve every day.  I started a schedule every night of working out and after reading something spiritual to stay physically strong and spiritually strong.  Dude I actually love reading now,  I want to learn as much as I can about everything, I want to perfect my spanish each day and learn new things... I know before the mission I was not like that, thats what 8 months in the mission does to ya, cant believe I have 8 months already.  After 2 years I can tell you that I will be a completly different person dad,  through the Gospel of Jesus Christ every single person can change and feel the love of our Savior more abundently.  

This last week we had an amazing experience with our investigator Dennis.  This man is soo cool.  We invited him to the stake conference that we had last week and he showed up with his white shirt and tie.  Our president of the mission came to stake conference as well and told Dennis that he is a misisonary the only thing he needs is his missionary plaque.  YOu should have seen the smile that dennis had on his face, he feels so loved in the church as well people always walking up to him and shaking his hand and talking to him.  Yesterday we talked to him again and he told us that he is afraid to be baptized because when we leave he wont have us around to help him out,  he said that he has so much confidence in us to help him out with his addictions.  He loves talking to us and he wants us to go running with him at 5 in the morning so we will see, waking uo at 6:30 is hard a enough but 5 man thats a whole nother level haha but if its to help Dennis We will do it.  Yesterday Dennis helped us do alittle bit of service for one of our others investigators, we pushed his car from his house about 5  minutes away so that was my leg exercises for the week.  Dennis has a baptismal date for 19 of this month so we will continue preparing him and helping him stay clean so he can enter the waters of baptism.

I love hearing about Baseball and softball and track send some pics of them racing and playin and some videos please.  I want to see your faces, I miss you guys, every night I pray that you can have more missionary opportunities to share the Gospel and Minister the truth of Christ to every nation tounge and people here in this earth.  I love you all please be safe and have a great week!!!!

Elder Gray


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