May 16, 2018

Dude that video chat was awesome!!! It was super fun to see you guys again and hear your voices, it brought so much peace and love to my heart to hear you guys and see you all.  Im glad mom liked her Mothers day present she is so awesome haha all of those elders were like man your mom is so awesome she has swag haha I love her so much.  Dude when did kaitlyn shave your head?  You gotta grow out your beard man that looks good with no hair on top.  I love you Doe Monkey super fun to joke around with you guys and do those same funny things that we did when I was at home.  Im so happy that you all havent changed one bit, you guys truluy mean the world to me, You guys and the Gospel thats all I truly need in my life to be happy.  Right now we are teaching this guy Dennis and hes super awesome but has a hard time with drugs.  I couldnt sleep last night because I was thinking of things that Elder Sandino and I could do to help Dennis out.  One thing that kept coming to my mind was Plesure.  Hes only doing these bad things because it make him feel good, makes him feel happy.  But I think we can help him put in perspective what is more important than drugs, we can teach him that families and the Gospel are the only things that we have in this life that brings true happiness.  He is 22 years old and knows what is correct and what is wrong so all we can do is help him understand that these things that he is doing is only pleasing him for moments in time but he can be happy forever with his family and The Gospel.  

This week we had the baptism of Gaby.  She is an interesting stroy because Elder Sandino and I didnt teach her anything because she lives in a different area that is about 5 minutes away.  But her husband asists our ward in Por Venir so they both really love the ward in here more than their ward that they are asigned to.  So we had the baptismal service here in Por Venir and was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints this last Sunday.  I had divisions with Elder Delgado who is the Elder in the area where Gaby lives.  We had such a spiritual experience that I will never forget.  She told us that her and her husband are having problems economically and her husband is trying to keep him self from drinking,  all of this stress she is feeling right now is super hard for here but something that I will never forget is her testimony about her faith.  I never heard a more powerful testimony in my life.  I could feel that her faith was so strong and that what ever problems they have they will be ok because of the faith that tehy have in the Lord.  That was such a huge testimony builder for me knowing that we will all have challenges in our lives but through faith and a belif in God we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  Gaby will be a huge impact on the Relif Society and the way we minister the Gospel in these last days.  

So greatful for this opportunity to share the truth to these people, even if tehy dont accept it we are still planting the seed of truth in their hearts and one day tehy will recongize that this si the true church of God that Jesus Christ himself came down to earth under the direection of his father to establish the true Church on the earth.  With the church we have the opportunity to hold priesthood keys here on the earth, we can recieve revelation for our families in these last days to help our families defend ourselves ftom the power that satan has,  I know that we have a prophet taht recieves revelation for everyone of us and if we heed to his words we will live happy lives, we will live in harmony with the teaching from our heavenly father given to our prophet through reverlation and the spirit.  I testify that this is the true church of God and if we truly want to help others know the truth we need to minister and give more of ourselves to this wonderful work.  

I love you all so much please be safe and have a great week at work, school, and where ever you guys go remember that God is always with you wherever you go!!!

Elder Gray


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