April 25, 2018

This thats week was also pretty crazy for Elder Sandino and I.  So im going to tell you what happened last thursday,  It all starts off with me dreaming with my eyes open.  I then started to rap super fast in my dream but I dont remember anything i said.  About 10 seconds of me rapping I saw my comp stand up out of his bed and walked over to where my feet were.  Stood over their for a little while but all I could see was his white shirt and didnt see his face.  Next he walks back over to his bed and grabs his pillow and is holding it in his arms and starts rocking back and forth.  At this point Im watching all of this happen and Im kinda freaking out but then he throws his pillow back on his bed and walks until he in the front of my face, stops and is just standing there.  I tell him, "Compa, Compa."  He heard me and went back to his bed and fell asleep.  This night he as well had a dream that he was in Nicaragua with his girlfriend.  My comp said that in his dream he went to buy somthing away from he girlfriend and came back and he saw her talkin to two other guys he was upset so he left her their and came back to Guatemala to eat and pay for the food of where we truly eat every day for lunch, so in his dream he is in Nicaragua and Guatemala... yeah hes crazy, but anyways he came back to Nicaragua and saw another man holding his girlfriend in his and she was dieing.  The man gave his girlfriend back to him and was crying and rocking her back and forth, and thats when he woke up.  So family and friends we need to know who is truly crazy here Elder Sandino or Me.  What I saw corresponds perfectly to what I saw.  He left his bed but came back, when he came back he grabbed his pillow or in his dream(girlfriend) and was rocking her back and forth, the pillow representing his girlfriend in the dream.  But I want to hear from you guys and what you think about this.

This last week we found 10 new investigators.  One of them is named Dennis.  He is a super cool dude, we found him in the corner of the street and felt like we needed to talk to him, so we did.  We asked if we could visit him at his home and talk with him and his family and he said yes.  The next day we looked for him at his house but wasent there.  The next day went to his house again and was there with his family!  we taught them the restoration of the Gospel and invited them to be baptized.  They accepted our invitation to be baptized the 29 of May, but the cool thing about this story is we asked if they could come to church with us and Dennis said to us," Yeah and ill ask my friends as well if they want to come." At that time Elder Sandino and I knew that Dennis is a super special guy.  That sunday we were walking to his house and saw him outside wating for us.  He had cut his hair and was wearing is nice church clothes, we were so happy to see him motivated to come to church with us.  Dennis has problems with smoking Mary Jane and probaly some other drugs but yesterday we had an awesome lesson with him and taught the Word of Wisdom.  I think taht was one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever had.  He completely understands the concept and the blessing if he lives the Word of Wisdom in his life,  He wants to change, he wants to follow God and that is the most important thing.  Today we invited him to play soccer with us and the stake center and we told him to invite his friends and after we play we can talk to them a little bit about the church.  All in all im so happy to see Dennis progress everyday, he sees how much this Gospel can change his life for the good.  One great week with this man Dennis.  

Love you guys so much thank you all for your examples.  Im super happy to have this opportunity to serve here in Guatemala and to Preach His Gospel.  Be safe this week! I love you all!

Elder Gray


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