January 28, 2018

O my goodness yeah she is a less active member that goes to a different church now but she is really cool.  We are teaching her daughter right now which is really cool.  Yeah she showed me the video and i started laughing, we ¿have awesome memories mother Gray.  How is the kids doing and my father James?  Are they working hard doing the right things? No one has boyfriends or a girlfriend righttt?  I love you guys so much, you actually have a lot of people from Guatemala on Facebook.  They always show me pics and videos and stuff that you post.  This are of Guajitos is awesome truly blessed to have this be my first area.  My comp is awesome , Elder Ramos,  we get a long really well and work really hard.  Its is sometimes hard to find those people to teach and actually have them listen to us but as we are contacting or talking to people I try and put myself in the the Lords shoes and try and feel what he felt.  It is hard sometimes because of the rejection and they just dont have time to listen to us, but what they dont realize is the we have a  message about Christ that will truly help them change there life if they would only listen to us.  That why its says in Preach My Gospel to always bear your testimony  any in any situation because you never know how much time you will have with one person.  To all my friends and family that receive this email try this week to share your testimony with someone  that doesnt know anything about the church, talk to them how the gospel of Christ blesses your family.  I promise you that if you all do this you will receive the blessing from our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ  and you will help plant the seed of hope and love in their hearts.  Remember that everyone on this earth is a child of God, every person needs this Gospel.  

Everything is going great in the area of Guajitos. We had a good week especially with one of our investigador that we meet just this last week. We found Herman Costillo while contacting, and I can truly say that he is a miracle. We had our first lesson with him, got to know him a little better and had one of the best lessons I have had in this area. The lesson was so great, not because of the lesson itself but of how sincere every question was and how sincere and heartfelt every response was. To end the lesson we invited him to church and he wasent sure if he could come because he was leaving with members of his family. But yesterday at church we were talking with members and all the sudden saw Herman walking through the gates of the church. We were confused because he wasnt coming back till sunday night. But when we asked him about this situation he said that he remembered his promise to us that he would try and attend church with us. This man has Epilepsy, he has a lot of stuff that goes on in his mind, especially the bad stuff, but as we promised Herman that if he would listen to our teaching about Christ he would replace all that stuff in his mind with HOPE and LOVE for our Savior Jesus Christ. IM soo greatful to be here in Guajitos and to help these people here truly see that at the end of this life on earth, there is HOPE.

Also real quick cause I dont have a lot of time but I almost went at it with a drunk man that was yelling in my face telling my to preach to him so  I asked him if he really wants to change his life and that Jesus Christ died for him and basically bore my testimony but I dont think he was listening much but thats ok.  I told him we had another visit so we needed to go, so we started leaving and gave me a good little push, in my head at this moment was, " your lucky im walking the other way or you would be on the ground right now."  But I later looked back on this experience and realized that every person is a daughter or son of God and that every person deserves to be treated like a daughter or son of God.  You can always help someone in many different ways, look at people through the eyes of the Lord.  Help us gather those sheep that are lost and PREACH HIS GOSPEL!!!  Love you all and have a fantastic week.

Elder Gray


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