January 8, 2018

Man sounds like New Years was just a huge party, and I'm jealous that you guys have seen the new Star Wars twice, but its ok ill see it soon lol.  That's awesome all the kids seem content with all there activities and everything that they are doing.  Brett the little QB huh, hes gonna be a Cam Newton running with the ball instead of passing haha thats awesome.  Send me vids and photos once he starts playing.  

This last week in the Mish has been really good.  We´ve been struggling to find new contacts and people to listen to our message.  For the past couple days i've really been focusing my prayers on finding these people that God is preparing for us to teach.  I know that my prayers have been answered because this last week we found 3 well prepared people that have so much potential and that need this Gospel.  1 of the 3 really sticks out to me, and i truly feel that she was one of the people that was being prepared by the Lord. Her name is Irma Trujllo and she is an amazing person that wants to change her life and come unto Christ. She realizes her problems of drinking and smoking and wants to change and find God. Our last meeting with her we asked her to pray at end the appointment and as she was praying she started to cry and I could feel that she truly needed our help and that every word she was saying was true and from her heart. Everyone in that room could feel the spirit so strong. Im grateful to be here at this time and being an example of Christ here in Guatemala.   

We also had our changes this week, actaully tomorrow and Im staying here in Guajitos for probably 1 more change.  I will have a new companion Elder Ramos who is from Brazil which Im really excited about.  It is a little scary because I have to lead him to all the investigators houses and the members and I basically have to know the entire area of Guajitos.  But I have confidence in myself and In Our God to guide Elder Ramos and I these next couple months.  Im actually really excited for this change because Im really going to have to put all my faith in the Lord to help my companion and I be successful misionaries.  Ive learned so much from Elder Juarez that I will take with me until the last day of my mission.  He taught me that there is always something more in trying to find people to listen to our message.  One that I truly admire about Elder Juarez is that if he wants to get something done, hes going to do it to the best of his ability.  His motivation is unreal, i can truly say that Elder Juarez es un animal en la misiĆ³n.  So grateful for his example to me in the mission  especaially being a new missionary.

I hope you all have a great week this week and remember that through the difficult times in this life you always have someone that is next you helping you through every decision, your Savior Jesus Christ.

Love you all,

Elder Gray


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