January 22, 2018

I cant believe that January is coming to an end.  This time in the mission seriously doesn't feel real, it doesn't feel like 2 years.  I now have 5 months in the mission almost a 1/4 into the mission, that's nuts man.  I really forget about the time in the mission and focus on our investigators and different ways we can help find these new people that  God is preparing for us to teach.  I'm so very greatful for the Gift of Revelation and I know that my leader over the missionaries and us the missionaries for this ward of Guajitos is true.  This week we meet with our ward mission leader to talk about our "plan of action" for this area.  As we both had our ideas and thoughts written down on paper we realized that our ideas and thoughts were exactly the same.  At this moment we all looked at each other a we knew that this was revelation from God, to work in this plan, to find those less active, and to find those investigators that God is preparing for us, not only as missioanries but as a ward.  We knew as part of the missionary force in this area we needed to love all the organizations of the church to find as many people as we can.  I learned that through this process, as missioanries we are not alone because we have the members of this ward in Guajitos.  Im truly excited to talk to Bishop Martinez about our plans this Thursday, I know that he will  prepare a way for us to make these plans work because this is one plan of Revelation.  

We have a family that we are teaching right now, Hermana Cristina and Hermano MInor.  They have 4 kids and the whole family is awesome.  The last Sunday the family came to church but the husband didnt.  I was wondering why he didnt come to church.  After sacrament meeting acouple of the members came over to me and told me that a man was inside the gates of the church and was drunk.  As a I came outside I realized that it was Hermano Minor.  He was sitting on the grass almost crying,  i asked what was wrong and he felt bad that his family was going to church and he wasnt.  He drank way to much that day and was having trouble breathing, so the family took him to the Hospital and got him some help. I realized after this experience of how being a comforter and truly showing your love for some can help the person realize how much they have in their lives.  Her was a man that has problems with drinking and showed up to church drunk,  my friends this week go and help someome this week by showing that you care for them, be an example to them, be that light in there life.  Doesnt have to be something huge do something small even if its a smile or just saying hi to someone because that smile or that quick conversation can truly help someones day.  Everyone has the light of Christ in them, help others find there light, when that person you helped finds there light they will wan to help others.  Guys this is what we need in the world, a reaction of goodness, love, charityand hope.  I know that through the paln of salvation we receive hope from our Heavnly father that one day when we die we have the opportunity to live with our families, our father in heaven , and Jesus Christ again.  I know that Jesus Christ died for our sins and through his death we can be clean through our saviors blood.  I know that this life is hard and everyone will make mistakes but i know that through Jesus Christ all things are possible and that when we leave this life on earth we have something to look forward to, salvation and eternal life with Our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Our Families.  After this experience we had an opportunity yesterday to talk with Hermana Cristina and Hermano Minor about the Plan of Happiness.  As a I was pondering what to ask him a question poped into my mined,  "minor, do you truly want to change your life?"  He shook his head yes and responded with a "yes".  I then told him that if he truly wants to change he wont only be changing for himself but for his family, because the family is motivation for us in this life.  He understood this very well, as Elder Ramos and I sat for awhile not saying anything we both knew to give Hermana Cristina and Hermano Minor a baptisimal date.  As we gave them  the date the both accepted it with love and with hope.  Im truly greatful for my family and for all the great examples that have been in my life.  Remeber that God love you and all he wants for us is for us to be happy in this life.  I love you all and have a great week, be safe.

Elder Gray


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