January 14, 2018

Hey mama sounds like fam is really doing good with work and with all those fun activities.  Please send me videos and pics of everyone especially with Brett playing football.  Rodrigo is baptized but was inactive but Elder Juarez and I helped him come back to church by taking him with us to our investigators.  But he is really doing good and is preparing to serve a missions the end of this year.  I got a pic from Robyn and it was her and Cayden at Timmys wedding.  So good to see them.  How you doing mama?  Hows dad? and the kids?  

This change has really been awesome for me because even though my comp has 9 months in the mission i feel like the person that takes the lead in everything, which will help me as I continue because we both have the same goals for our area of Guajitos.  We have really good goals for this area, ways to incorporate those members in missionary work.  Im really excited to see our ideas start working and really finding those less active members in this ward.  I heard yesterday that their is suppose to be 90 people in the quorem of the Elders and only 15 show up, so we have a lot of work to do but my comp an I are ready.  One of our investigators named Dani called us sunday morning and told us to come by his house and pick him up for church.  I was really excited because he has had problems with drinking but he called us and wanted to go to church.  After church we asked if we good meet with him and finish teaching the Plan of Salvation.  When we went back to his house later that day we finished teaching him the pamphlet and I dont think ive ever taught more by the spirit than in that moment.  My companion and I were so in tune with the spirit and I can truly say and testify that God works in strange ways but never ignore or push away feeling of the spirit, because thIs is how God communicates with us. Dani is one man that has a had many problems in his life but we explained that through the process of love and hope, which is repentence, he can become clean if he truly sincerely wants to receive forgiveness from our God.  I know and truly believe that any person can change in this life through the blood and Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.  

Hope you all have a fantastic week and be safe.  Mom please send this to everyone and tell them to send pics from people in Brentwood and in Turlock PLEASE!!


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