September 20, 2017 Letter and pic's

This week in the MTC has been very spiritual for me and I have been really thinking about one thing and that is the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  I really feel like sometimes we take this life that he created for us for granted.  Or the people that are in our lives are just people.  As I thought about this I realized that he died for ALL OF US so that one day we can return and live with our heavenly father again.  He died so that we can see our families and friends and all of our loved ones again.  That is a blessing a huge blessing that we can't take for granted.  He suffered for all of us so that we can repent and and become more like him.  The language is slowly coming along.  I trust the lord will help me with the language if i do my part.  My teacher talked about that yesterday and its so true, if i want to receive the gift of tounges I have to put forth my own individual effort.   The Guatemala temple is awesome!!!  Alot smaller then the oakland but i can still feel the spirit just the same. We have to do a session sometime down here its so beautiful. 

What are you guys doing for moms 40th?  Get her something good and tell her its from both of us lol.  The food still is amazing oh my goodness. Bless the people of Guatemala.  I thought i was going to lose weight but i think I'm going to gain weight lol.  I'm enjoying every moment here and can't wait to get into the field and teach the people of Guatemala.  Love all of you guys so much!    KEEP ME POSTED ON THE BRONCOS...

Elder Gray


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