September 13, 2017

Wow a week has already gone by, defiantly flying by fast and I don't want it to, cry cry. This week had a lot of funny moments for sure.  I guess all of my district has watched The Office and so we gave each of us a character from the show lol.  Starting with The District Leader we obviously gave him Micheal Scott lol.  His companion is pretty much a spittin image of Mr. Schrut.  We call him Elder Schrut.  And for some reason they said I'm Roy and I was not sure why until they told me, "because I'm BIG." I mean they aren't wrong lol jkjk.  The language is coming slow but its getting better everyday.  I really have to study at night and memorize a lot because if I don't then I'm lost the next day.  So that being said the language keeps me on my toes and not falling asleep in classes.  The food is amazing of course.  A lot of tacos, chicken, pork, rice, beans, and some bomb ice cream.  Yesterday we had Elder Ortega come and he presides over all of central america which was cool.  They gave us voice translators but mine didn't work so I had to sit there and try and understand pieces of spanish.  The earthquake was pretty crazy.  I was on the top bunk and I felt it shaking so I asked my companion if he was shaking the bed lol.  Soon found out we were in a number 4 earthquake so that was crazy.  I hope everyone is doing great back in the US and I hope you find joy in the little things in life.  End with my favorite quote "Its not about how hard you hit, its about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward."  Send to everyone on the email list please.


Elder Gray


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