October 4, 2017

Sounds like everything is going great back home.  Yes the hijos do speak spanish which makes me even more motivated to learn lol.  I do wanna learn on the street spanish but i feel like thatw ill come with time in el campo.  Im glad your and moms job is doing good.  I wanne see pics of back home and all the kids and stuff.  So the Broncos arent doing bad it sounds like.  How is Trevor Seimien doing?  And the defense? Keep me posted on scores and stuff ok dude.  The kids sound like they are having fun with sports even though Olivia and Bretts soccer teams arent very good.  Tell them to keep working hard.  Two more weeks dude in the MTC then its in El campo. Love you dude tell the kids I love them and cant wait to see you guys.

Friends and Family,

The days are staring to blend together but each day I grow and learn as much as I can.  Guatemala is awesome I love the people and the food.  I enjoy going to the temple each Wednesday and walking around and seeing the beautiful landscape.  I love walking around and thinking about my family and friends.  Especially at the temple because it bring me so much peace in my heart and mind.  I know im suppose to be here in Guatemala at the time.  I pray for my family and friends each day and I hope you all feel the love I have for you.  This week was the first week for the new missionaries and they are doing great, I know without a doubt they will do amazing things here and in there missions.  The food is still the flippin bomb.  Man i just remembered something pretty funny this week.. actually a lot of funny stuff with my district.  But me and my companion had problems with going to the bano this week, Ive never had problems with stuff like this and lemme tell yall im so thankful for my good health and enduring to the end lol.  The spanish continues to get better every day but teaching the commandments especially in another language is hard.  I know that the Lord with help me as I study and the spirit will direct me to say what needs to be said so investigators can apply the teachings to there lives.  My district PEDRO is awesome we all get along so good together and laugh about just the dumbest stuff lol.  During some district meetings we have had some topics come up like Alright now lets tell each other our first date stories and the worst dates and funny stuff like that.  Through this week ive been thinking about the general conference talks and I was trying to get the main points and how each talk connects.  Ive come up with Serving others wherever you are.  The Book of Mormon.  and Realizing our Eternal Purpose here on earth.  I will leave you with this... always strive to have the Holy ghost with you in your hearts and be willing to help others along the way realize how important they are to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  Love you guys so much, be safe, and have fun wherever you are and whatever you r doing.

Hey guys everything is good in Guatemala.  The laundry is very organized here and the way they do it is super simple which is cool.  I loved conference, Saturday and Sunday were soooo awesome.  I cant believe president Hales died Sunday.  Our district has been praying for him and his family.  


Elder Gray


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