October 30, 2017

Hey guys hows it going?  Anyways Sounds like everything back at home is good.  Iw ish I could have seen Brett be baptized, buts its ok sounded like an awesome experince, same with the Primary program.  Kaitlyn Won the SHIP!!!!!  thats crazy  Congrats to her and her team.  Sounds like she really was getting better each game.  Taylor tot sounds like she liked volleyball and is gonna kill it in basketball.  Its ok Olivia ive been on some pretty bad teams to so i feel you homie, keep playing hard and be tough girl.  All the girls are tough beacuse they were raised by great parents.  Brett on the other hand not so much haha jl lol :)  Brett keep being awesome and I love you guys with all my heart.  Sounds like work is doing good staying busy, same with mom.  Sounds like everything is awesome back at home, birthday parties and what not.  I'm so happy to be here in Guatemala and share my love and appreciation to these humble and kind people.

This last week was awesome I had my first Baptism with Elder Jaurez and it was awesome.  Nisy Novas a 13 year old decided to take lessons from the missionaries end of last month.  I came in and helped teach Gospel of Jesus Christ, the word of wisdom and law of chastity.  Its was truly amazinbg to see how the Gospel of Christ changed her life just from these 2 weeks.  Glad and happy to be apart of this experience.  My first week in the field a lady named Gretel pulled up on her bike and asked if we could teach her.  I thought this was flippin awesome.  The next day we visited her and her little boy we talked about why we are serving missions and for how long and all the rules in the mission.  She love to learn new things, she told me in english.  She can speak soem english which is very helpful for me.  This last thursday we visted her again after giving her our lasting meeting the 1 lesson.  She was with this guy for 3 years and he left her for no apartent reason.  She is super sad because she still loves him so things are hard for her right now.  As i though about this I thought maybe she needs this in her life, maybe she neds this Gospel to remind her that everythyingh is going to be alright.  She came to us asking to be taught,  nothing in this life happens on purpose.  I cant wait for our next meeting with her.  Yesterday we had a list of poeple we wanted to teach but only 2 people asnwered.  Its hard and frusterating whern people dont answer but I know through faith and love of God we can help these people. Love you guys


Elder Gray


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