October 17, 2017 Last day in MTC

Dear Gray Family,
 We are thrilled to welcome your wonderful son to the Guatemala City South Mission. It lifts our spirits when we greet the new missionaries and see their combination of faith, wonder, and youthful exuberance. We love each one of them already and rejoice in seeing them learn to communicate, to love one another, and to work together in the service of the Lord. My quiet interview with your son filled me with gratitude for the faith, righteous desires, and testimony he has developed over months and years of preparation.
Elder Gray´s first companion is Elder Juarez, one of our trainer missionaries, who has been very successful in missionary work and exemplifies many of the attributes of Christ found in the sixth chapter of Preach My Gospel, including attributes of charity, patience, diligence, and obedience. I have witnessed the Lord’s guiding hand in both the selection of the trainers, and the assignment to serve alongside your son. Elder Juarez will help your son adjust to the mission life and set a worthy and foundational example. Surely the Lord will bless them both abundantly as they labor with their might, and they will experience great joy in witnessing many come to Christ through the restored gospel.
The most productive missionaries are oftentimes those who receive active support from their families, priesthood leaders, and associates through frequent letters or emails, which are positive and inspirational. We invite you to have them join you in contributing to your son’s success by corresponding regularly with motivational and uplifting thoughts.
We will do all that we can to lift and strengthen your son while we serve together in this part of the Lord’s vineyard, Guatemala – the Land of the Eternal Spring. Thank you for sending him to labor with us.

With warm regards,

President and Sister Shumway
Guatemala City South Mission


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