October 11, 2017

Another week flys by when your having fun serving the lord.  Next Tuesday I leave for el campo and im so ready to start teaching the people of Guatemala.  The lessons have been getting better and better each day. The language is getting better and better each day.  I feel confident in myself and I know that through the lord and by putting him first in all things I can all things through Christ.  I thought i knew the gospel back at home but nothing compares to the knowledge I have now.  Having the temple so close by is such a blessing in my life.  Ive been every week since ive been here and i can feel my relationship growing with my Heavenly Father.  This last week we fasted for 24 hours and it was awesome because i didnt get hungry all day which is such a blessing.  But at the end of the day when we broke our fasts I just knew that everything will be ok.  I know if we put the lord first and have faith in him we will be ok.  Through his gospel we can be saved and receive all these blessings if we trust in the lord.  I cant wait to teach people about Jesus Christ and the wonderful plan of eternal life.  As you all go through out your day remember to always have a prayer in your heart and be the best people you can be.  Remember to always give your best because he gave his for you.  Mom send this to people on my insta list please and to all the fams in the ward ok i love. People i need pics from families so i can see you all ok por favor gracias.  I love you all and im blessed for all of your sweet examples that have a had a huge in pact in my life.  love yous guys, next time you email me i will be in el campo so lets do this thanggg haha.

I love you guys so much and cant wait to send you guys pics.  I leave for el campo next Tuesday and couldnt be more excited to get to the real work.  Ik that its going to be an awesome experience in el campo with my new companion.  Everyday i pray for you guys and i love you so much.  I showed everybody in my district the photo album you gave me and they were like oh my gosh your family is so cute and lit lolol.  How was your birthday present from dad? Thast awesome you went and tried out for it, i hope you get it that would be awesome.  You need to send me videos and pics of you guys especially since brett is playing flag football now.  Tell brett happy birthday and im glad hes making the right choice of being baptized, hes an awesome kid.  How r the kids doing? I think about you guys everyday and love you guys so much. 


Elder Gray


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