November 20, 2017

Hey guys its awesome to hear from you guys and i know you guys are doing well.  Sounds like the boys are having fun with you and even if they dont want to do merit badges atleast your trying to be the best scout master ever!!!!!   And that stinks you guys have to turn down sites, just to busy man to busy.  Atleat you you know you got a bunch of work lined up for you company though.  I love you dud and I pray and think if you guys everyday, except when im working haha.  Love you dad and have a great week. 

Alright TAY TAY  sounds like you have had a pretty awesome week with a bunch of fun activities.  Keep doing good in basketball and go Steph on those fools OK TAYTAY haha. LOve you so much Taylor TOT 

KAITLYN BUG hows things going with reading El Libro de Mormon?  Keep reading and trying to understand it its hard trust me haha but the more you read the more you will understand the words and the meanings.  Thats awesome you got to coach the boys in v ball.  Keep doing your thing in Bonsu.  LOve you very much K BUG

BRETTTTT my little buddy. How are things at home? are you taking care of everyone at home?  Ilove you dud and I pray for you everyday.  Im glad you made the choice to be baptized dude.  Have fun with your Uncle, Aunt, and your cousins.  Love you very much Brett. 

OLIVIA BOLIVIA  Hows everything going?  I heard the soccer season was kinda sucky, dont worry about it you got next year, and by then ill have 7-8 moths left in the mish CRAZY RIGHT HAHAH.  Kepp being a good girl for mommy and daddy. LOve you very much.

Hey Mommy HOws everything going? i imagine for you its pretty crazy beacuse of all the callings, buts that awesome because God trusts you with a lot.  I have a good feeling you have a pretty strong relationship with you father in heaven.  It was awesome to see all the pics of the amigos and all the families.  Makes me kinda sad but im glad to be here in Guatemala.  Thats crazy Liberty Won.  Who do they play next?

Alright for my week peoples HERE WE GO!!!!

 This week was really good,  we had a a lot of good lessons but toward the end of the week we Taught this family, Enrique, Maria, Alison, Fatimue, and Joshua.  Enrique is a less active member but we found him and his daughter trying to push this bed up this crazy steep hill so we stopped and helped.  As we were pushing we were talking o him and found out he was a member.  We set up and appointment with his family and every since the family has been pilas( very good)  That last meeting with the fam we gave Maria the scripure Moroni 10 to read and think about the words that were being taught.  The next meeting which was this thursday she said she felt peace and very relaxed when she read this chapter.  We explained to her that this is The Holy Ghost bearing testimony to her that this is true.  I felt so happy for her and for the family,  At the end of the lesson we gave her the pamphlet The Plan of Salvation.  We explained it and she seemed super interested that families can live together forever even after this life.  We have been teaching this guy Pablo who was found by the last missionaries here but we have been teaching him and is super ready for baptism, but we had to wait for a response of the 12 apostles to allow him to be baptized.  This friday we got a call and told us he was allowed to be baptized.  The next day we told him through a scripture Alma 4, 64.  After he read the scripture he was filled with happiness and peace and everyone weas in tears.  This man Pablo is very speacial and loves this gospel.  He is a very sensitive man and can feel the holy ghost so strong.  It was my greatest pleasure to have known him and continue to talk to him about his experiences.  LAsty we ended with a baptism of Valery Herrera.  Its was very spiritual and I was able and worthy to baptize valery.  It was my first time doing it in spanish but it was so awesome to do it and continue to progress in this language.  The language is really coming a long and im super excited.  Im understanding way more and speaking is so much better. I love you guys and I and pray for my Family and My dearest friends everyday.  Love you guys and you all have a great weekend ❤❤❤❤❤


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