December 4, 2017

He guys its awesome to here form all of you guys.  Im so blessed to have a family like you guys, and being able to tell and teach people that families can be together forever through the death of our savior and The Plan of Salvation.  These past couple weeks have been hard for me and my comp because we lost a super Pilas family, family Reyes.  It was Enrique, Maria, Alison, Fatimu, and Joshua, but basically the wife Maria was married to her first huband but was seperated for about 9 years ago, and my comp an didnt know she was married to Enrique but we found out that they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Anyways she has problems with the divorce of her first husband and cant be baptized at this time whish is really sad because she wanted to be baptized.  But all we can do is countinue to keep working with faith and diligance and to remeber that these people are our brother and sisters, and out purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ.  We've been trying to think of new ways to find new people to teach, so the past 4 days we've been contacting pretty much all day to find these new people.  My comp and have been praying to find ways to find these people and to bring out message of the restoration.  But everything is going okay right now.  Sometimes my comp can be unpatiente which ticks me off because Im still learning everything plus the language so its hard soemtimes but for the most part we get a long.   I also would like to bear my testimony that Jesus is the son of God.  I know that we were sent to earth, each and everyone of us for a purpose, and that purpose we may not know right now but God the father does.  I testify and know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and was given revelation to translate the Book of Mormon for these last days, taht days of the second coming to gather in his sheap to one fold, and the one fold to the one sheaperd which is Christ. I know that we all have difficult times here on earth, no one said it was going to be easy, but I know that choosing to come down to earth in the premortal life was one of the best descions we made, to follow the example of our Savior.  I testify that through the Holy Ghost we can recieve personal revelation from out Father and his son.  The Holy Ghost is a Guide for us in this life and will truly help us if we choose to head to the promptings of the spirit.  I know that God lives and sends angels down to watch over and protect us everyday.  I know that families can be together forever and that through the plan of salvation and the death of Christ on the cross, all the pain and anguish he felt for us, we can live with him and our families after this mortal life.  This plan, especially now on a mission motivates me to give my all 100% everyday because Jesus Christ gave his 100% for us.  If he can die for me and help his father put the true church of God on the earth for all of us to feel the true love of Christ and the father,  I can give two years of my life to him, to feel just a little of what he felt.  In a talk given by Geffory R Holland he says,"When you ask your presidents of the mission, why is it hard president? Why do they reject us president? Because salvation was never easy,  these two years I want you to feel just a little of what Christ had to go through."  Im so happy to be here, even those times when things are just simply hard,  i know that someone a whole lot better wenbt through so much more than we have to.  This Christmas season I invite you to share your testimony or a small massage of the Gospel with your friends or the people you come in contact with, by doing so you will feel the true love of our savior, that is charity in our hearts and our minds to God. 

Love ya,
Elder Gray


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