December 18, 2017

Dad Im super excited to talk to tou guys this next week.  So this is the schedule for this next week, Saturday I will write to you guys again, on monday the 25th I will Skype you guys.  In the Saturday email I will tell you the time I will skype you guys. So yeah dude im super excited to talk to you guys and hear all about the new Star Wars movie and everything.  Sounds like everyone is safe and well please tell the rest of the fam how much I love them and pray for you all everyday.  Not gonna lie dude sometimes its hard to think that this is my first Christmas with no Family.  But I know that Im here in Guatemala in this moment for a reason.  I truly believe that God has a plan for each and everyone of us on this Earth.  I just feel truly blessed to be serving a mission especally in this month of December.  Everyday I wake up and I just sit and think  about all things im greatful for especially during this Christmas season.  One thing that Im super greatful for is the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ and how we have the oportunity to follow his perfect example and become like him everyday.  Dude I finished the Book of Mormon this week and I can say with every fiber in my body and with my whole heart that this Book is true and perfect in every way.  Especially now when I testify about Joseph Smith being a true prohet of God andf through him we have the restored Gospel on the Earth once again, finishing the book that was translated by him through our Savior just solidifies my testimony that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God and in no way a mortal man can write this book from his own knowledge.  He truly recieved revelation through the spirit of God to write every single word in this book.  I know that the Book of Mormon is true and was written for us to understand the coming of our Savior and to answer our question that we have in the life.  I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God and through him we have the restored Gospel on the Earth.

So the people here in Guatemala have a tradition where everyone paints there houses to represent the coming of the new year.  We helped familia Moralez paint the inside of there house, it was super fun and after we got Dominios pizza which just made that day and the service so much better.  We also helped scrape of the existing paint in familia Cisneroz casa.  Scraping the pain off is a lot more harder than painting the actual house haha but it was still super fun just to give service.  Yesterday we helped familia Lima move into a different house.  Helped put the stuff in the moving truck and helped put it into the new house.  A lot of service opportunities these last 2 weeks, feels awesome to help other and to really lose my self in the service of God.  There are a lot of Catholics here in Guatamela and they do all these crazy things to celebrate Christmas.  So on the 7th everyone buys a Devil pinata and at 6.30 everyone burns the Devil pinatas in the middle of the streets, probably was one of the craziest things ive seen.  One night we were waking back to the house after our last lesson and these little kids were wearing costumes with swords and stuff and behind them was this big huge statue of Mary holding Jesus and Mary is on this huge stage thing with people underneath swaying this stage back and forth, craziness man.  The month of December is basically a huge fiesta por the people in Guatemala.  Its super hard right now to find new people to teach because most are Catholic and always are partying or just dont care to hear our message.  But we will always keep trying to find these new people that God is preparing for us. 

Love you guys sooooo much.  Have fun this Christmas season and be safe Love you guys mui macho haha


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