December 11th

Hey guys its the Christmas Season PEEPPS!!!

Hows everything going in Cali.  I think about you guys everyday and pray for you all everyday.  Hows Liberty doing right now? Keep me posted on all that info por favor.  Dad I love those pics and sounds like sites and work is going really good right now.  Happy to see Blake and Andrew reciving there Eagle Awards thats awesome.  I miss the snow campouts dude, so much fun.  Im sure you guys will find a place with snow somewhere.

Love you dad so much I pray that you all feel my love and that I can feel your guys love.  Have a great week dude.  Keep being an awesome father dad, you've helped me become the man I am today.  Im sorry for sometimes being a pain in the butt, but im truly blessed for you example to me and to the fam.  Love you dad.

Olivia How are my babies in Disco?  (Trevaskis girls)  Hows the new baby that they have?  Hope you doing well with school  and sports and everything your doing right now.  Olivia I challenge you this week to start reading the Book of Mormon:  tHis Book has helped so much and I testify to you that through this Book you can find the peace and joy in your heart.  You were given the Holy Ghost, this is a friend that was given to you by your heavenly Father through the priesthood and power of God.  Love you Olivia have a great week remember my challenge you.  Love you!!

Taylor is my tot hahaha  Tay tay hows everything going?  Thats ok you lost that one game you should have won, learn from that experince and remeber to always keep playing the game until the last whistle or last buzzer.  Tay tay I also have a challenge for you to study you young women phallets you have and to really understand how impotant and precious you are in the eyes of God.  You are a true daughter of God like your mother and other sisters.  Always remeber who you are and remeber your baptisamal covenants you made with heavenly father and christ, to represent God in every choice, every thought, and every feeling you have daily.  love you Taylor, remeber my challenge for you. Hvae a great week.

Brett my little buddy.  How you doing dude?  Hows school?  I cant believe your going to plaqy football soon thats awesome.  Brett I have a challenge for you to remind the family to have scripture study and after a prayer.  When you guys study the scriptures i want  you to practice reading and read 3 verses ok dude.  Love you Brett and I want to see videos of you playting Football.  have a great week Brett.

Mother how is everything going?  How are you feeling with all these different callings and stuff?  Thats awesome you have all these responsibilities for the church and working at the school and taking care of the fam.  Send me pics of the new car I wanna see it.  That's awesome mom everytime shes selling them buy two one for you and one for "me" like im still there ok I wanna help him recive the money he needs to serve the Lord,  The people need him and his spirit.  I know that Henry will be a great missionary and that this is where he needs to be just like I need to be here in Guatemala.  Countinue being an awesome mother and keep being an example for the fam love you mui macho haha.

Hola Kaitlyn.  Alam es chellero, me guata el libro de Alam.  Muchos diferente cosas en the libro de Alama pero mui importante cosas.  Mi capitulo favorito en Alma es capitulo 7, es mui bien.  Gracias por su fe y deligencia en aprendiendo esta idioma con mi.  Es dificil alguno veses pero esta idioma es a bendicion para mi.  Porque yo se que depues mi mision, esta dos anos en mi vida, yo se sabiendo espanol ayudarme buscar a trabajo donde nosotros vivimos.  Love you very much and keeep thos gareds up.  My spanish has gotten so much better Im so happy haha.  Starting to forget words in elglish which is good haha. Love you 


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