Address for Elder Gray

The post office does not deliver to where derick is serving so we use a company called MayanXpress
They don't charge for letters so just the post to get it to Utah.  If you want to send him a letter just address it like this:

Elder Derick Gray
Guatemala City South Mission
114 W 400 N #13
Provo, UT  84601

If you want to send him a package find them on facebook for more info.
It is the same address but you send it with a form.  Just message or call them with questions.

It's pretty cool they fly to Guatemala every other month and pack suitcases with care packages and take them right to the mission home where they are distributed.

This month they leave December 8th so you would have to mail anything right away.  If not their next trip will be in February.

Derick loves all the support you all are giving him and it means soooo much!!!



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