October 10, 2019

Thanks dad for your words and for the impression that you are leaving on my life. With out your example dad I wouldnt be the person I am today.  I thank you so very much for your example as a father, I want to be just like you when I get older!!  Im so greatful for your example in the Gospel because through you I have been studying the scriptures with more diligence and I can feel the spirit every time I read them.  I love the Gospel I have realized now that whatever problem that I have in my life I can solve it through the Gospel, through the scriptures, and through reading the words of the prophet and his apastoles.  Thanks dad for all of your help as well as mom,  I cant do things on my own in this life, I need our saviors help, I need help from others in this life to help me grow and be the best person taht I can be.  Do you remember the kids taht can up to you at the football game? Im curious haha but thats cool that you went to the football game and I like to hear that the Lions kicked freedoms butt again so that makes me happy!!  Im glad that you guys are doing good at home and taht you are taking the words of the prophets to heart and teaching more and more in the family so that we can be a stronger family against the tempests of Satan.  I know taht the Gospel of Jesus Christ will protect our families and thats what we are doing to strengthen the families here in Guatemala.  I know that every single Family has the opportunity to be together forever.  I know taht the covenants that we make in the temple are the most special between us and God.  

This week was crazy so first we went to the temple and that was super cool, I reveieved a lot of revelation for my self and for the area I am in to help everyone be more united and strengthened through the Gospel.  During the week we were cleaning our house and a water pipe broke and strated throwing up water and so our house flooded which sucked but its ok cause we got it clean up quick but the toilet still doesnt work so taht great.  We also had a rat that was eating our garbage which was gross so we put a trash bag over the top of the trash can and put a whole bunch of tape over the top of it.  ANd well today we went top some acient mayan ruins and I will send a lot of pics your guys way.


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